Excel: Power View Not Visible on the Ribbon

Did you follow all the right steps to install Power View in Excel but still can't find it on the ribbon? You're not alone. After enabling Power View as a COM add-in, double-checking that it was enabled, and even restarting the application, I was still unable to find it anywhere on the ribbon.

There's a fix for this that will hopefully work for you the same way it did for me. I managed to launch Power View by manually adding it to the ribbon myself.

Right-click anywhere in your ribbon and choose 'Customize the Ribbon...'.

On the left-hand side of this window, in the 'Choose commands from:' drop-down, choose 'Commands Not in the Ribbon'. Scroll down the list and select 'Insert a Power View Report'.

On the right-hand side of this window, choose a tab and group where you would like to place your new button. I created mine in a new group called 'Power View' under the 'Insert' tab. Click the 'Add' button.

Now you should see a button labelled 'Power View' in the ribbon in the location you selected.

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