Stacy DuBois is a business intelligence developer at the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) in Ottawa. She specializes in business intelligence and data analytics, enjoying balancing the more technical work of developing ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) solutions with the highly creative aspects of building effective reports and dashboards.

No stranger to working under high pressure with tight deadlines, Stacy has demonstrated her abilities in many technology competitions. She won the gold medal in the IT/Software contest at the Skills Canada National Competition in both 2007 and 2008, and went on to earn a Medallion of Excellence for having an above average score while representing Canada at the WorldSkills International Competition in 2009. She also competed as a designer and software developer for the 2014 Canadian Open Data Experience (CODE) and the 2015 WorldSkills Digital Challenge in São Paulo, Brazil.

Stacy holds a B.Sc. in Computing and Information Systems from Athabasca University, and is currently progressing through the Essential Skills for Leaders Certificate program. Attributing much of her success to supportive people throughout her life, Stacy volunteers regularly in the community to motivate and inspire others to pursue excellence and to chase their dreams.