Excel: Use Operating System Information to Alert Users

I recently received a question from someone who's created a spreadsheet that is intended for use only on systems running Windows. He asked me if it was possible to somehow inform the user of this fact if they weren't using Windows, without using any VBA code.

There is a macro-free solution to this problem, through the use of three functions: IF, SEARCH, and INFO. Choose an empty cell in your spreadsheet that you would like to display the warning (if it applies), and enter this formula:

=IF(ISERROR(SEARCH("Windows",INFO("OSVERSION"))),"This spreadsheet will only function properly on a system running Windows.","")

How does it work?

INFO("OSVERSION") is picking up the name of the operating system. SEARCH is looking for "Windows" somewhere within the OS name. If it doesn't find "Windows", it will display the text "This spreadsheet will only function properly on a system running Windows.". It won't display anything if it does find "Windows" in the OS name.

Happy Excel-ing! I also would like to wish you all a happy October, as this is my favourite month of the year!


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